Salma Mentor : Erra FaziraNama Penuh : Salmah Binti A. AsisUmur : 21Asal: Tawau, Sabah dan anak kelapan dari 9 adik-beradik. Kenapa Mentor?Semestinya Salma menyertai Mentor kerana minat dalam bidang nyanyian. Harapan: "Saya
Showing posts with label tv3. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tv3. Show all posts
Mentor season 5: Who the best MENTOR??
From left: Noh (Hujan), Afdlin Shauki, Erra Fazira, Rahim Maarof and Edry Abdul Halim Today, mentor 5 started with Noh Hujan find out protege, then following with Rahim Maarof then Edry Abdul Halim and
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