Hello world! Just inform that i have attend blogger gathering today at Sepang. And i bring my sister and my officemate. Below is what their email to me, "...The chase to find the
not Klang
Showing posts with label not Klang. Show all posts
Showing posts with label not Klang. Show all posts
UiTM Convocation 74 Dewan Agung Tuanku Canselor by shahrul hairy
Hey guys! Bermula 12 hingga 20 May, konvokesyen di UiTM Shah Alam bermula. Sesak. Penjual bunga dah ramai. Pergi kerja kena awal. Naik kereta, tak banyak parking. Adios! Best story? : HERE
ipad2 my target! shahrul hairy
Haip! lama tak hapdet kat sini. Asek la yang sana je kan, huhu~ well banyak faktor aku kena hapdet selalu yang shahrulhairy.com tu punya. Blog carik makan la katekan, LOL~ yolah tu! Ok,
Mentor season 5: Who the best MENTOR??
From left: Noh (Hujan), Afdlin Shauki, Erra Fazira, Rahim Maarof and Edry Abdul Halim Today, mentor 5 started with Noh Hujan find out protege, then following with Rahim Maarof then Edry Abdul Halim and
PROMOTION: Focus point!
Dear Valued Customer, Warmest Greeting from Focus Point We would like to invite you to attend our outlet for the Buy 1 Free 1 Promotion Promotion Period: 17 Feb 2011 - 5 Mac
Biggest Motorcycle in the World! by shahrul hairy
A group of enthusiasts headed by Tilo Niebel of the East German village of Zillah has shown his motorbike monster assembled by hand. Monster weighing nearly five tons and a length of five
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